About Us


Years of Experiense
About US

MPF Systems Limited

MPF Systems Limited (CIN: L35105MH1993PLC287894) was incorporated on 02nd July, 1993 having main object is to carry on the business to carry on the business of generating, accumulating, distributing, installation and supplying Solar Energy, wind, green hydrogen, green ammonia for its own use or for sale to Government, State Electricity Boards, intermediaries in Power Transmission /Distribution, Companies, Industrial Units, or to other types of users / consumers of Energy.
To acquire concessions or licenses granted by or to enter into contracts with, the Government of India, any State Government, Municipal, Local Authority or other Statutory bodies, Companies or any other person for the development, erection, installation, establishment, construction, operation and maintenance of Solar, wind , green hydrogen, green ammonia Power Plants, and in this regard to promote, develop, own, acquire, set up, erect, build, install, commission, construct, establish, maintain, improve, manage, operate alter, control, take on hire / lease, carry out and run all necessary Plants, equipment's, sub-stations, workshops, generators, transmission facilities, machinery, electrical equipment, accumulators, repair shops, wires, cables, lamps, fittings and apparatus in the capacity of principals, contractors, developers or otherwise and to deal, buy, sell and hire / lease all apparatus and things required for or used in connection with generation, distribution, supply, accumulation of Solar, wind, green hydrogen, green ammonia or any types of Renewable Energy.

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